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Home arrow Winter Ski/Snowboard arrow Ski/Snowboard Classes
Ski/Snowboard Classes
Ski ClassesEverybody enjoys the slopes more once they have learned the proper tecniques for the terrain. World class instructors are on hand to help you get up and skiing/snowboarding or master the moguls. These same instructors can be found in the United States, Canada, and Europe from October through May, but come to the southern hemisphere to work in the "off" months. With the price difference, some instructors even take courses here to get a jump on their competition.

Prices vary depending on the number of students in a class. Private lessons in mid-season cost around $70 for a two hour class, but find two friends and the price drops to $30 per person! Ski ClassesFull day mid-season private classes go for $220, reduced to $90 per person for a group of three. Have more friends that want to come along? For only $6 an hour more for each additional person, the savings are amazing! Send us the dates, and we'll send you the prices (July is roughly 10% more).

We can arrange all your classes with the best instuctors at prices that walk-ins cannot get. Reserve early to make sure there's room, because with these prices classes fill up quickly!

And don't forget about the kids... for $60 children receive a full day group lesson with a qualified instructor. While you're grinding away through the powder, your little ones are enjoying the day practicing all the skills they'll need when they're big enough to follow Mom and Dad down the black diamonds. Snowboarding and ski lessons available for kids under 12.

Kids Snowboard ClassesIf you've never skied before, or if you're an ace that needs help on the details, we can help you. Instructors fluent in English, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, German, and French are on hand to make sure you have a good time and feel good about your learning. If you're on a tight budget, we can even help you find an independent instructor with even lower prices.

If you have a special request, put in in the Comments section on the reservation page, and we'll get back to you with an answer!


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